Monday, November 3, 2008

Back on the Roller Coaster

Well, after being derailed for a couple weeks, we finally heard from Shands late last week. Ray's doctor wants to try one more type of chemo for 6 weeks before moving to transplant. Of course my insurance denied the claim, so now the BMT team has to fight our insurance company. Fun, fun, fun!

They decided to try the new chemo because they are still very concerned about the transplant. The doctor said that if they blast his immune system too hard, he could go into liver failure. But, if they use a lower dose chemo, his own immune system might come back and fight the transplanted immune system. So, we are praying that this last round of chemo will prevent him from having to go through the transplant. Now we are just waiting for insurance approval and then we will be heading to Shands for 6 weeks.

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